My name is Babak Aslani, and I am a  Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Medical Physics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. I received my Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Operations Research from George Mason University. My research interests include optimization, machine learning, and multi-criteria decision-making. My research has been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals such as Computers and Operations Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, and Expert Systems with Applications.

Latest News

Featured Research

Scalable Learn-to-Optimize Frameworks for Networks: Models and Applications.

Selected Publications

Learn to decompose multiobjective optimization models for large‐scale networks [Read more]

A systematic review of optimization methods for recovery planning in cyber-physical infrastructure networks: Current state and future trends  [Read more]

Ensemble framework for causality learning with heterogeneous Directed Acyclic Graphs through the lens of optimization [Read more]

 Current and Future Research

Interpretable Machine Learning and Feature Selection

Nested Learn-to-Branch-and-Price for Large-scale networks

Large-Scale Group Decision-Making and Rank Clustering

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